Stone Bride Fox


/June 23, 2017

Veronica Mainetti Veronica Mainetti on VOC’s, Climate Change, and Exchanging Vows In The Trees Who: Mama, Entrepreneur, Environmentalist Why She’s Foxy: She’s President of Sorgente Group of America, a photography aficionado and 5th generation Italian entrepreneur who believes that sustainable methods of building development is a crucial step toward saving the planet. On Her History: “I was born and raised in […]

Veronica Mainetti
Veronica Mainetti on VOC’s, Climate Change, and Exchanging Vows In The Trees

Who: Mama, Entrepreneur, Environmentalist

Why She’s Foxy: She’s President of Sorgente Group of America, a photography aficionado and 5th generation Italian entrepreneur who believes that sustainable methods of building development is a crucial step toward saving the planet.

On Her History: “I was born and raised in Rome. When I was growing up I spent a lot of time with my grandmother. She ended up becoming my heroine and my model in life. She was actually the one that encouraged my photography. The first picture I ever took was from a box we restored together. I still have it. Immortalizing a moment was very cool. Photography was always sort of a hobby. I actually studied interior design and came to New York to get a Masters in architectural design. That was around the time our investors wanted to learn more about the New York City real estate world, so I never finished. There’s this vortex that hides within the city that has this intoxicating energy.”

On Sustainable Development: “This is the time to start marching on streets for things like climate change awareness. It’s happening much faster than people think. What’s scary is that scientists don’t even have the means to monitor the phenomenons that are happening on a daily basis. Seventy percent of carbon emission in the city comes from buildings, so sustainable development is truly key. Choosing local materials is best. It is the Italian way.”

On Climate Change + VOC: “I have epilepsy. So I cannot be around anything that is chemical. My seizures are effectory seizures. If I was to clean a table with Windex I could eventually have a seizure. They’re mainly morphic seizures which means that when I’m about to fall asleep I get them. So I’ve always been sensitive to this. My goal in development is to achieve a VOC free environment. VOC means Volatile Organic Compound. It’s very hard to achieve because you can have VOC on lockers, behind walls or underneath pavement or wooden floors. They’re everywhere. So it was a really big challenge. It is insane that sometimes in January the weather is seventy degrees, yet people on the street are happy. But I am freaked out. Climate change is happening much faster than people think.” On Marriage + Motherhood: “My wife and I met through a mutual friend. We were married six months after in Oahu. It was just us and a minister, and a lot of trees as witnesses. In nature. That’s really how we wanted it. Motherhood was a hormonal thing for me. I just needed to have a kid. It took my wife a little bit longer, but as soon the first time she heard the heartbeat she just melted. She’s really such an incredible mother. It amazes me everyday. I get goosebumps. I’m still trying to find the balance between work and family.” ave Love Movie: “ ‘In The Mood For Love’, by far. The music is daunting. The actress, Maggie Cheung is just so elegant.”
Fave Love Song: “’Avrai’ by Claudio Baglioni.”

Fantasy Wedding: “Is it crazy to say Jane Goodall’s wedding in Africa?”

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